Meet Online Blogger Sootch00 at the HPR® Booth
Payson, AZ – HPR® Ammunition is positioned in the market as a high quality and innovative ammunition brand. HPR® is hosting a booth appearance with Sootch00 on Saturday, April 11th at the NRA Show.

Don Porter is the Producer of Sootch00 Fun Gun Reviews, featuring guns & gear with a Self Defense mindset on his dedicated YouTube channel where he addresses issues around our 2nd Amendment rights as gun owners.
He is also President of Armed Citizens United, a website that focuses on political issues that affect firearms owners.
Stop by and visit with Sootch00 on Saturday from 10:00 – 11:00am at the HPR® booth #254 or from 3:00 – 4:00pm at the HPR® Mobile Command Center, Freedom Festival booth number FF56.
Check out Sootch00 at
About HPR®:
HPR® strives to include all American components in its cartridges. Other countries may be able to produce products cheaper at the expense of quality and the outsourcing of jobs, but HPR® believes in American quality and American jobs. HPR® is the first manufacturing facility to locate in Payson in more than a decade. They are growing quickly and have become the pride of their community. For more information, visit