FULL CONCEAL™, the Company that Introduced the “Folding Semi-Auto,” Partners with Laura Burgess Marketing (LBM)
LBM to increase brand awareness of revolutionary folding semi-auto, as conceal carry pistols that feature more than standard ammo capacity, incorporating a footprint the size of a cell phone, quick deployment and all the other benefits of a full-sized pistol.
Las Vegas, Nev. (January 2018) – (ArmsVault.com) – FULL CONCEAL™, innovators behind the first concealable full-sized, folding semi-auto pistol, has announced a partnership with the public relations and marketing firm of Laura Burgess Marketing (LBM). LBM’s extensive media contacts and deep reach into the shooting sports market will increase FULL CONCEAL’s brand awareness through the sales channels to the end user.

“The genius behind the FULL CONCEAL M3 (Model 3) Pistol design is what the conceal carry market has been after for some time, being able to comfortably and practically conceal, as well as easily deploy, a full-sized pistol safely, all while providing more than standard ammunition capacity (firepower),” Laura Burgess, president of LBM explained. “We are looking forward to bringing these unique products into the general public, including the personal protection, outdoorsmen, survivalists’ markets and government sectors to give them an option to get the best of both worlds, exhibiting full concealability and maximized firepower.”
“FULL CONCEAL introduced its first product prototypes at the 2017 SHOT Show and debuted the M3 at TriggrCon, held this past July in Tacoma, Washington,” Mike Full, inventor, founder and CEO of FULL CONCEAL stated. “Since then, we have received tremendous interest and support throughout the firearms industry for our M3 folding semi-auto pistol. After a lengthy prototyping and testing period to develop a very safe, efficient and effective new firearm system, we began shipping the new M3 models to retailers in November of last year. We are looking forward to gaining more exposure through multiple markets and continuing to develop new and unparalleled products that provide our customers new options they would have never considered before with any other product.”
The concept of the folding semi-auto pistol was driven by a need to have all the benefits of a full-size pistol, including firepower and round count, yet still be a concealable pistol that is quick to deploy. While many conceal carry pistols compromise on caliber size, ammo capacity, grip control, sight picture, short barrel and recoil, the ingenious M3 design keeps all the benefits of a full-sized pistol, and further maximizes the ammo capacity to (21+1) rounds of 9mm, while keeping the entire weapon system to the footprint of an iPhone 7 Plus cell phone (approximately).
Intended for users to carry a live round in the chamber and be ready to deploy quickly ready to fire, the M3G19 has a proprietary folding trigger that provides an additional safety feature that mechanically prevents the M3G19 from discharging (with a live round in the chamber) while folded. FULL CONCEAL’s M3G19 for the GLOCK 19 is available for $1,399.00 MSRP.
“We have new products already in the works, all of them engineered to meet the demands of our public with focus on safety and reliability. We are looking forward to meeting distributors, retailers and the media at the upcoming SHOT Show in Las Vegas,” Full said.
Learn more about FULL CONCEAL’s M1 and M3 folding semi-auto pistols on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. See all the products at www.fullconceal.com
Visit FULL CONCEAL at the 2018 SHOT Show at booth #1850
Headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada, FULL CONCEAL designs and produces game changing conceal carry firearms with maximized firepower for civilians, law enforcement and the military.
About Laura Burgess Marketing (LBM):
Laura Burgess Marketing provides public relations and marketing communications to companies within the law enforcement, tactical, military, shooting sports and outdoor markets. The LBM team has over 30 years of combined experience in PR, marketing, social media and content development. LBM’s current client list includes: Adaptive Tactical, Cimarron Firearms, Copper Basin, Creedmoor Sports, Dark Storm Industries, DNA Labs International, DoubleStar Corp., Fobus Holsters, Full Conceal, IWI US, Lyman Products, MasterPiece Arms Inc., Morphix Technologies, National Tactical Officers Association, NAPED, Nite Site, Parabon NanoLabs, Shell Shock Technologies, and Trailblazer Firearms. LBM is headquartered in New Bern, North Carolina, with a satellite office in Maryland. www.lauraburgess.com