HAVA Launches Florida Shooting Series
Tampa Area Hosts New Disabled Veterans Initiative
Longmeadow, MA – April 6, 2015 Honored American Veterans Afield (HAVA) announces the launch of a new range day series in the state of Florida, now the eighteenth state where HAVA has hosted annual shooting and hunting events in its eight year history. Dubbed the 1st Annual HAVA/WAC Range Day, it was conducted at the Wyoming Antelope Club facility near the St. Petersburg International Airport with 70 disabled veteran shooters participating and 125 shooting enthusiasts attending including veterans, family members and volunteers. Each veteran received a valuable gift bag of outdoor products, lunch, three hours of shooting pistol and rifle stages, and participation in a post-event raffle of 30 high-value products including 6 guns donated by HAVA sponsors. The day started with the National Anthem sung by a SOCOM volunteer who is an active Naval officer, and included a shooting exhibition by competition champion B.J. Norris.
“Our first Florida event was a hit,” observed HAVA Chairman Tom Taylor. “The Tampa area military community responded well to our launch initiative and the Wyoming Antelope Club provided first class facilities and support for the event. We see Florida as a target-rich area for HAVA hunting and shooting events, and Tampa/St Pete as a key element of our Southeast growth.”

About HAVA
HAVA is a 501(c)3 organization formed by companies in the shooting and outdoor industry with the purpose of raising awareness and further assisting disabled veterans with their healing process through guided hunts, shooting events and other outdoor sports activities. The sustaining sponsor companies are Smith & Wesson, NSSF, Sig Sauer, Mossberg, Academi, ATK/Federal, Barrett, Crimson Trace, Diamondback, FMG Publications, Glock, Hornady, Leupold & Stevens, NASGW, Proof Research, Ruger, Surefire, Taurus, XS Sights, and Yamaha Outdoors among numerous contributing companies. Those who would like to learn more about the HAVA organization can do so at www.honoredveterans.org.