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BELLEVUE, WA – (ArmsVault) – The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) has named veteran Second Amendment attorney Bill Sack as Director of Legal Operations for the organization.
In his new role, Sack will be responsible for oversight of SAF’s legal program to include litigation inception and management, tracking active cases, educating the public and cultivating SAF’s attorney referral network.

“With 57 active cases across the country and numerous outside counsel, having one person oversee our legal program is paramount,” said SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut. “I’ve worked with Bill for several years and know he will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the team. His background in the Second Amendment space is key to ensuring our right to keep and bear arms continues to be defended at all costs.”
Sack is a practicing attorney and graduate of The George Washington University and Widener Law School, and currently resides in Pennsylvania. He brings five years of direct experience in the Second Amendment advocacy space, including as Director of Legal Operations for a liberty-based advocacy non-profit as well as a decade of experience in management, marketing and public relations.
“For the past 50 years SAF has fought unconstitutional gun control, and I am thrilled to continue the organization’s track record of successfully challenging those who would infringe on our Second Amendment rights,” Sack said. “The SAF litigation program is as strong as it’s ever been, and we are looking forward to a groundbreaking and landmark year in 2024.”
Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)
The Second Amendment Foundation (www.saf.org) is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.