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BELLEVUE, WA – (ArmsVault) – The Second Amendment Foundation announced today that thanks to continued overwhelming positive reaction to our “2nd Amendment First Responder” project, we have extended our national television campaign for a fourth consecutive week, scheduling 69 more spots on more than a dozen networks.
“By the end of next week,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “our 60-second message will have been broadcast a total of 268 times, reaching millions of viewers. We’re able to extend our effort because of the growing positive response. It’s been astounding.”
The ‘2nd Amendment First Responder’ recruitment message will continue airing on BBC America, Destination America, the Investigation Discovery Channel, American Heroes Channel, SYFY (Science Fiction), TLC (The Learning Channel), TruTV, DirecTV, Fox News, Fox Business, CNN, MSNBC, The Weather Channel, One America News Network, CNBC, HLN, Bloomberg, Dish TV, the Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel.
“We’ve actually seen our public support double this month compared to January 2020,” he added. “The number of new members, donors and supporters has more than doubled for this time period, and we’re expanding staff to meet the threats against our rights. We’re excited about growing while other organizations have been reducing staff and activities.
“While anti-gun-rights extremists are celebrating that our friends at NRA have filed for bankruptcy protection,” he observed, “gun owners are engaging at record levels with organizations like the Second Amendment Foundation to fight back against billionaire-backed groups and politicians who are attempting to take away our rights.”
Gottlieb revealed plans for a “massive internet advertising campaign” coming soon in an effort to reach and involve the millions of new gun owners who bought a firearm for the first time during the past 12 months. Last year saw a record of more than 21 million background checks related to gun purchases, and an estimated 40 percent of those were “first timers,” he stated.
“Our legal action and public education projects would not be possible without the support of gun owners and other citizens concerned about their constitutional rights,” Gottlieb said. “At a time when the ‘cancel culture’ wants to cancel the Second Amendment and people who disagree with their extremist philosophy, good citizens are standing up for their rights.
“We’re gratified to see so many women, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics and other minorities among this wave of new gun owners,” he continued. “It just proves what we’ve said for decades, that the Second Amendment is color-blind.
“Now with perennial gun-grabber Joe Biden in the White House, and anti-gun Democrats controlling Congress,” Gottlieb stated, “Americans of all backgrounds recognize the looming threat to a cornerstone constitutional right and they’re joining the ‘2nd Amendment First Responder’ project to stop this threat in its tracks.
Second Amendment Foundation
The Second Amendment Foundation (www.saf.org) is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.