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Corrosion Technologies Bore Cleaner Powers Through Buildup
Garland, TX., – (ArmsVault) – Easily blast through tough multi-layered bore buildup with the power of Bore Cleaner from Corrosion Technologies, a leader in chemicals and coatings for the aerospace, military, industrial and sporting worlds.
Corrosion Technologies’ Bore Cleaner is a more modern alternative to the old numbered powder solvents, cutting through fouling without the fumes.

Corrosion Technologies’ Bore Cleaner safely and efficiently removes every component of multi-layered bore buildup, including hydrocarbon resins, dust and dirt, salts, minerals, carbon and soft metal fouling. It’s even powerful enough to quickly and effortlessly remove black powder fouling, making cleaning a muzzleloader an unexpectedly pleasant chore. Bring pistol, shotgun and rifle actions, bores and barrels back to mirror brightness with less picking, scraping and scrubbing.
Although Bore Cleaner is aggressive on gunk and fouling, it is completely safe on polymers, varnishes, soft metals and metal alloys, bluing, anodizing and all other known gun finishes. This next-generation Bore Cleaner is both odorless and crystal clear, easily revealing fouling and contaminants on the patch to know when your firearm is perfectly clean. Despite powering through tough fouling with ease, Corrosion Technologies Bore Cleaner contains no volatile organic compounds (VOCs), so it is safe for indoor use.
Bore Cleaner comes in a variety of convenient size options, from a one-ounce bottle that easily tucks into your gear up to a gallon to clean the whole platoon’s rifles. The one-ounce bottle’s tapered spout is perfect for placing a couple drips on a patch while out in the field, while the non-aerosol spray nozzles on the larger sizes are perfect for misting an entire firearm, be it bolt action or crew-served.
Assure peak performance from firearms by cleaning them with Corrosion Technologies’ Bore Cleaner. Actions, bores and barrels will shine like new, safely and efficiently-without the fumes associated with older powder solvents.
For more information, please visit corrosionx.com.