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Hoppe’s Wins Readers’ Choice Gold Award from Predator Xtreme Magazine
Hoppe’s Earns Gold Award for Best Gun Cleaning Product
OVERLAND PARK, Kansas – (Armsvault) – Hoppe’s, the No.1 name in gun care products, is pleased to announce that the readers of Predator Xtreme magazine recently selected Hoppe’s as the Gold Award winner for the best gun cleaning product as part of the publication’s 2019 Readers’ Choice Awards.
“It is a tremendous honor to be voted as the best gun cleaning product by the readers of Predator Xtreme,” said Eliza Graves, Brand Manager for Hoppe’s. “We know that predator hunters often face extreme conditions in the field and the fact that they trust Hoppe’s to keep their guns running all season long is a great testament to the performance of our products.”

In 2019, Grand View Outdoors moved to an online voting system that included easy to fill out clickable dropdown selections for all known brands in each category. By promoting the awards through its consumer websites, associated e-newsletters and specific brand dedicated e-lists, Grand View Outdoors saw an increase in voting totals 4-5 times what had been recorded in previous years.
“The Predator Xtreme brand stands alone as the leading predator media source in the market and our Readers’ Choice Awards allow our readers to tell us who is they think is the best,” said Derrick Nawrocki, President of Grand View Outdoors. “Our readers are extremely passionate and particular in the products they use and are loyal to those brands that serve them best. Hoppe’s has long been a fan favorite and continues to be that consistent brand our readers trust time and time again.”
Hoppe’s, a Vista Outdoor brand and makers of the legendary gun cleaning solution Hoppe’s No.9, serves shooters of all disciplines, and offers gun care products that meet the rigorous standards Frank Hoppe established more than 110 years ago.
About Hoppe’s
In 1903, Frank August Hoppe mixed nine chemicals and created the world’s most effective gun cleaner. As a well-trained young soldier, Frank knew that gun care went far beyond just a clean rifle, but actually helped to ensure his safety while on the front lines of battle. Since that time, Hoppe’s has emerged as the leading gun care company, having grown along-side hunters, shooters, and soldiers who depend on their firearms every day. It has remained the most trusted name in gun care by advancing and evolving technologies to meet those needs. From the ever-popular and versatile No. 9 and the quick and easy BoreSnake, to the marvel of efficiency we call Gun Medic, Hoppe’s is the only name you need to know for firearm cleaning and protection. For more information, visit www.hoppes.com., connect on Instagram at www.instagram.com/hoppesguncare/ or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/hoppesguncare.