Request Your 2019 Lyman Catalog Today!
The 2019 Lyman Catalog is now available… When it comes to the development of new products, the Lyman team spends a lot of time listening to their shooters and reloaders. Every year Lyman introduces new and improved innovative tools and accessories. To see a full list of their 2019 products, order your copy of the 2019 Lyman Catalog today.
The Lyman Brand includes: Pachmayr, TacStar, Trius Traps, A-Zoom Precision Snap Caps, Butch’s Gun Care and Targdots.
Request Your 2019 Catalog
About Lyman Products
Lyman Products has continued to be a leader in developing innovative products for reloaders and shooters for 140 years. Lyman’s reloading kits, presses and dies have provided reloaders with all the high- quality equipment they need to start reloading. Pachmayr, TacStar, Trius Traps, A-Zoom Precision Snap Caps, Butch’s Gun Care and Targdots are all under the Lyman brand.
For more information please visit us at lymanproducts.com. Connect with Lyman Products on Facebook at Facebook.com/lymanproducts and follow us on Instagram @LymanProducts.