Henderson, NV – (ArmsVault.com) – Hogue Incorporated is proud to announce the expansion of their line of automatic retention carry holsters to include seven new gun fits to meet consumer demand. Uniquely designed models to fit the Ruger American, the Glock 43, the CZ P-10 Compact, the SIG Sauer P320, HK’s new VP9SK and HK’s P10, P30, P2000 and the VP9/40 pistols now round out their line. “We’re designing and building first rate carry holsters,” explained Hogue co-owner Neil Hogue. “The features built into our retention holsters have resulted in quite a superior design and now we have added some highly requested new models to the Hogue Holster roster.”

Hogue’s new holster additions include right and left-handed designs in both their solid black and carbon fiber weave patterned options. All models feature the company’s patented Automatic Retention System™ – an ingenious trigger guard-lock design that holds the handgun securely when holstered. A discretely-located thumb release on the inside of the holster makes for an intuitive, fast draw while re-holstering is quick and consistent thanks to form fitted pistol channel. “We sweated a lot of details,” said Hogue. “Each holster is uniquely designed for a specific model handgun so the fit and finish rivals a lot of custom designs out there.”

A closer look at a Hogue holster reveals a host of exclusive features built into each one including a flexible, comfortable paddle that conforms beautifully to the hip that is interchangeable with the included belt plate option. The built-in cant eliminates the need for easy-to-lose spacers and washers. Most models can be configured for straight, FBI angle or cross draw positioning and all feature a contoured, low print profile. The entire line is intelligently-designed with an eye toward ergonomics, function and durability.

Hogue holsters are available in your choice of solid black aerospace polymer or polymer patterned with a carbon fiber weave priced at $49.95 MSRP.
Hogue is celebrating fifty years of quality manufacturing in their family-owned and operated facilities under the direct supervision of the Hogue family. Hogue, Inc. supports local dealers and encourages customers to purchase Hogue products locally. For more information please call Hogue directly at 1-800-438-4747 or visit www.hogueholsters.net to find a Hogue dealer near you.