Preparing For Violent Encounters: American Handgunner’s Personal Defense Special Edition
( – American Handgunner’s Personal Defense proves there’s a lot more to the topic than gun types, models and calibers. Managing Editor Payton Miller offers, “We can’t assume — nor should we — that everyone concerned with personal defense guns is a hardcore enthusiast with a single-minded focus on state-of-the-art-weaponry.” As such, this FMG Special Edition is designed to serve as a trustworthy and enlightening guide to prepare readers for a violent encounter rather than a compulsory catalog of information.
Of the myriad topics covered, Will Dabbs, MD, presents Rock River Arms’ .300 AAC LAR PDS to prove there’s no such thing as “too much” handgun, while Rich Grassi explores the logic for home-carry handguns as the likelihood of a home invasion has increased. Preparation is key, and in “Close! Dark! Fast!” Mike Boyle provides tips to stay on guard and at an advantage if under attack.

Properly suited up for “Doomsday Defense,” Will Dabbs, MD offers, “There isn’t any real reason why anybody would need to pack a .300 AAC AR pocket howitzer in a shoulder rig for personal protection. However, you also don’t ‘need’ a car capable of doing more than 75 mph, high-speed internet or ice cream on your apple pie … You drop a .300 AAC AR pistol into a shoulder rig because this is America and we can do stuff like that here.”
In a special double feature, this Personal Defense edition pays homage to two classic .38 snubbies: the S&W Chiefs Special and Colt’s Detective Special. John Taffin recounts the rise in fame, and a number of variations along the way, of the two popular revolvers that remain the standard by which all defensive wheelguns are judged.
Notable highlights include Pat Covert’s tutorial of knife edge and grind styles in “Let’s Cut To The Chase,” a lesson in .22 caliber cross-training to enhance your pistol skills by Steve Sieberts and an insightful commentary on the muzzle-down approach is shared by Ralph Mroz in “Low Ready Is Ready…”
The American Handgunner Personal Defense issue has an extra bonus for readers: the updated Special Edition 2017 Buyer’s Guide. This 96-page catalog of currently available handguns, rifles, shotguns, knives, lights, lasers and holsters is an incomparable resource to have in hand when choosing your next, or first, personal defense tool.
EAA Corp.’s Witness Pavona in 9mm is the leading charge of the Personal Defense Giveaway Package. Readers are invited to view the entire giveaway and enter the drawing for free by visiting
American Handgunner’s Personal Defense Special Edition is available on newsstands now. Print and digital versions are available for purchase at