FMG’s Online Editor Shares His Gen 2 GLOCK 19 By Robar
( – In the online “Exclusive: Photos of my Gen 2 GLOCK 19 by Robar,” Mark reveals the details of his Robar modified GLOCK, including close-up photos of all the awesome alterations. Along with the engraving “Semper Vinco logo” — “always victorious” — he displays his Robar “front cocking serrations and bullnosed front slide,” telling the reader it’s a “unique look, for sure,” and “the machining can only be described as pristine.”

Mark’s “Wearing Propper Tactical Pants at Gunsite Academy (Review)” is an assessment of these “60/40 poly/cotton pants.” He informs the reader “they were great for us carbine students who were up and down, on one knee, on two knees, lying prone, lying supine,” and how “the experience confirmed the importance of wearing the ‘Propper’ pants.”

The portable Vanish Spa decked out in “Realtree Xtra Green Camo should be on everybody’s list of must-haves, and Mark fills you in all the relaxing details. After a “weekend of training at Gunsite Academy…it was a great way to wind down.” On his next Gunsite trip, he’ll be bringing this portable spa with him, even if his tough guy friends “snicker for a minute.”
FMG’s Online Editor Mark Kakkuri is connecting with his readers via text messaging. Visit his “Online Exclusive” at and join his real-time dialogue. You can ask your burning questions about his Gen 2 GLOCK 19 by Robar, his review of Propper Tactical Pants and his relaxing experience in a portable Vanish Spa.
Online visitors to GUNS and American Handgunner will have access to these articles and others in Kakkuri’s weekly posts. To view all online content, visit and And remember, if you have a question or comment, text Mark at (248) 328-2538.