GUNS Magazine’s June Issue Explores Bravo Company’s BCM RECCE Keymod 18
( – Mike Cumpston’s “Bravo For This AR” is the headliner for GUNS Magazine’s June 2016 issue. He teams up with Stan Jarosz, a top service rifle competitor, to give this AR and Meopta’s tactical scope a run through at extended ranges.
“Bravo Company USA is a top-of-the-line marketer of AR-15 components both bearing the proprietary BCM logo and accessories from other top-tier suppliers,” Cumpston writes. “Our final impressions on the BCM RECCE Keymod 18? It’s a flawlessly executed amalgam of the high quality parts Bravo Company USA supplies to individual consumers and other high-end AR makers. The Meopta scope very effectively exploits the capabilities of the rifle as well as the accuracy and the down-range potential of the .223/5.56 cartridge.”

In “Easy Shootin’ Compacts,” John Taffin extols the virtues of the 9mm and .45 ACP calibers and how they performed in Springfield Armory’s Range Officer Compact.
“Both of these pistols performed flawlessly with factory loads and handloads. With the .45 I test-fired nine different loads and I had so much fun with the 9mm I fired more than two dozen,” Taffin says. “Both of these Range Officer Compact models performed so well I was faced with a dilemma…namely, which one should I choose? I learned long ago three words that matter: ‘Buy ‘em both!’”
Other features in the June issue of GUNS include articles written by Mark Hampton and John Barsness. Hampton reports on Browning’s Ultra-Compact X-Bolt variant in 7mm-08 for his wife’s antelope hunt in Wyoming, while Barsness explains the wisdom of having a back-up shot in “Make it a Double.”
The main squeeze in the June Gun Giveaway is the GLOCK single stack G43, followed by Ameriglo’s Pro-IDOT sight, a Gerber 06 F.A.S.T. Tanto folder and two DeSantis holsters—the Super Fly and the Mini Scabbard. To win these prizes (valued at over $1,150) enter online at:
Each issue of GUNS includes links to online-only extras. In this month’s online feature, “Mouse Gun Magic, Mike Boyle advises, “Even if it’s less than mighty, a gun in hand beats one at home.” Readers can sign up for a free digital subscription at