“Leaner, Meaner” GLOCK G43 Featured In The 2016 GUNS Magazine Special Edition”
(ArmsVault.com) – FMG Publictions’ Contributing Editor Will Dabbs, MD takes on the “leaner, meaner” GLOCK 43 in the 2016 GUNS Magazine Special Edition — and explains why it’s one step closer to being the “perfect carry 9.”
“The G43 is a nice, tiny pistol with a really nice trigger,” Dabbs writes. “It’s monotonously reliable and drops your rounds right where you want them, every single time. The G43 runs just like its bigger brethren while remaining compact enough to ride comfortably in the front pocket of a pair of jeans.”

Also packed with AR-platform handguns, bolt-action rifles, power-packed snubbies, pocket autos, vintage leverguns and more, the 77th edition of the GUNS Magazine Annual has a lot to offer readers of all interests.
In “Sub-Caliber Sting,” Special Editions Editor Sammy Reese relates why Ruger’s 77/17 Hornet is easily a “varmint’s worst nightmare.”
“The Ruger 77/17 Hornet has made a lot of trips to the field, and rarely do I get back home with any ammo left,” Reese writes. “I find the ground rats, get a range, and a few seconds later the Ruger pops and the squirrels ‘vape.’ It’s a pleasure to shoot, with just a smidge of recoil similar to a Daisy Red Ryder, and it’s laser-beam accurate.”
Contributing Editor Todd Burgreen provides readers with some insight on using the Daniel Defense .300 BLK AR Pistol for personal defense.
“The fact that the DDM4 300 AR pistol is classified legally as a handgun offers users who have a concealed carry license a certain amount of flexibility,” writes Burgreen. “If you are considering the DDM4 300 pistol for a serious defense or tactical role, it would be best to view the AR pistol as a personal defense weapon … it is more potent and offers you a longer effective range than a traditional pistol if you’re trained to use it effectively.”
Other features in this GUNS Annual Special Edition include tips from Mark Hampton on how to choose the right handgun for hunting, Barrett Tillman’s look at his Robar Q-2 .308 “Snout” … 2,100 rounds later, an article by Robert Kolesar on the accuracy of T/C’s short-action Venture Compact and much more.
The Colt Magpul Slimline takes center stage in the 2016 GUNS Annual Special Edition Gun Giveaway. Also included in the giveaway is Maxpedition’s Xantha Pack and Fatty Pocket Organizer, the Fish Belly Fixed Blade and “Star Spangled Banner” morale patch — for a total package value of $1,472.96. Readers can visit www.gunsmagazine.com/giveaway to enter for a free chance to win this bundle.
The 96-page 2016 Buyer’s Guide featuring hundreds of products including handguns, long guns, knives, lights and lasers makes this issue a “must-have” resource for gun enthusiasts.
The 2016 GUNS Annual Special Edition is available on newsstands now. It can also be ordered online at www. fmgpubs.com/2016-special