While at the range today I struck up a conversation with a couple of new shooters. Like most of us, they are gear junkies. So it didn’t take long for them to question me about some of the shooting range gear that I use.
Of course, the gear I take to the range can vary depending on the type of shooting I am doing that day. But there are a few pieces of gear that I always take with me.
First and foremost, eye and ear protection! Of course, you can go very cheap on these items. But, I’ve found that you tend to get what you pay for. The Howard Leight Impact Sport ear pro that I use is extremely common with shooters, and for good reason. I’ve used my pair for almost two years and have been very happy with them.
The eye pro shown in the above image is from Gargoyles. I’ve only had these glasses for a few months, but so far, they are proving to be a major step up from what I have used in the past. They are extremely comfortable, crystal clear, and offer a high level of ballistic protection.
The next piece of must have gear is the P3 Ultimate Shooting Rest from CTK Precision. This is a fantastic tool if you are sighting in any type of optic or testing the accuracy of ammo or a firearm. It does a great job of mitigating shooter error. Although it isn’t shown in the above image, CTK Precision also offers a Gun Vise Attachment which converts the shooting rest into a gun vise.
The gloves shown are the original Mechanix Wear Tactical Gloves. Honestly, I don’t use gloves every time I shoot. But, when they are needed, they are needed! So, I always have them with me.

Finally, a good spotting scope is a must have if shooting long distance. Of course, “long distance” varies by person. But with my eyes, I can’t really see bullet holes on targets past 50 yards (if that). Nothing is worse than throwing lead down range and having no idea if you are hitting the target. The spotting scope I use is the Meopta MeoPro HD 80. This is a fantastic piece of equipment that I would highly recommend!
I typically drag much more equipment than this to the range. But, these items are definitely among the staples of my shooting range gear.