Kahr Arms Celebrates 25th Anniversary
(Greeley, PA) – (ArmsVault.com) – Kahr Firearms Group, a leader in innovative firearms design and manufacturing, is pleased to celebrate its 25th Anniversary this year.
Kahr Arms officially changed the concealed carry handgun game twenty-five years ago when it introduced the first Kahr Arms pistol. Designed by Kahr Arms President and CEO Justin Moon, the Kahr K9 offered a solution to the void in the industry for a compact handgun that was comfortable to shoot, easy to conceal, and full of innovative features.

Justin Moon recognized the need for such a handgun as an 18-year old college student with a passion for firearms. He began shooting at the age of 14 as a hobby he shared with his older brother. His interest in firearms continued to grow from that point on. Moon spent the last part of his college career at Harvard designing the mechanical layout for his pistol idea and prototyping design concepts. Soon after, the K9 pistol was introduced and the Kahr Arms legacy of creating the ultimate line of compact pistols was born.
“Since starting the compact 9mm revolution 25 years ago, the mission of Kahr Firearms has remained the same. Every gun must be accurate and reliable. It is what the customer needs, what the customer deserves, and what we deliver,” Moon explains.
Through the years, Kahr Arms has designed a lineup of elite handguns that are a favorite for concealed carry, law enforcement, and personal defense use. Kahr offers polymer and stainless steel frame semi-automatic pistols in a variety of calibers, including .380 ACP, 9mm, .40 S&W and .45 ACP. In addition to their comfortable size, Kahr handguns are known for their quality, reliability and superior manufacturing.
For more information about Kahr Firearms Group products, visit www.kahr.com, www.magnumresearch.com, www.auto-ordnance.com, www.custombfrrevolver.com or www.customdeserteagle.com. For press inquires contact Monica Arnold at [email protected].
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About Kahr Firearms Group:
Kahr Firearms Group, formed in 2012, includes Kahr Arms, Auto-Ordnance and Magnum Research. KFG Headquarters reside in Greeley, Pennsylvania. Kahr Arms produces small concealable handguns in .380, 9mm, .40 and .45ACP. Auto-Ordnance is the maker of the famous “Tommy Gun”, M1 Carbine and WW2 GI Model 1911. Magnum Research Inc., designer and producer of the world renowned Desert Eagle Pistol, Baby Eagle, MLR .22LR and .22Mag Rifles and BFR Revolvers. All three companies are proudly located in the USA.