Real Avid has kicked off 2018 with the introduction of several new gun cleaning tools and accessories. Today, my work bench was upgraded with a few of these new offerings!
You’ll be seeing a lot more of these products on our site. Until then, the following is a break down of these new gun cleaning tools & accessories:
Gun Boss Pro – Universal Cleaning Kit:
- Multi-function handle rotates, taps pins and also works as a detailing handle
- 12 ga. brush and mop
- Large slotted tip
- High-performance tool case organizes, displays, and protects cleaning set
- 20 ga. brush and mop
- Small slotted tip
- Engineering-grade resin case is impact resistant
- .45 cal. brush and jag
- Screw holes for permanent mounting
- Three brass rod sections combine with rotating handle to form a 32” rod
- .40 cal. brush and jag
- 25 – 1.2” X 2.4” synthetic cleaning patches
- .357 cal. / .38 cal. / 9mm brush and jag
- 25 – 2” X 2.4” synthetic cleaning patches
- .30 cal. brush and jag
- .280 cal. / .270 cal. / 7mm brush and jag
- .243 cal. brush and jag
- .22 cal. brush and jag
- More Info: Real Avid Gun Boss Pro – Universal Cleaning Kit
Universal Smart Mat:
- 43” x 16” padded cleaning mat
- Parts keeper tray
- Oil-resistant work surface
- Protects work surfaces
- More Info: Real Avid Universal Smart Mat
Bore Boss .357 / .38 / 9MM:
- Flex-case handle doubles as clean storage for cleaning cable
- Dual action cable connects to handle quickly and easily
- Durable polycarbonate handle is surrounded by a flexible over molding
- 12″ long cable for handguns
- Phosphor bronze brush
- 8-1/2″ long braided mop for handguns and rifles
- More Info: Real Avid Bore Boss .357 / .38 / 9MM
Bore Boss 12 Gauge:
- Flex-case handle doubles as clean storage for cleaning cable
- Dual action cable connects to handle quickly and easily
- Durable polycarbonate handle is surrounded by a flexible over molding
- 32″ long cable for rifles and shotguns
- Phosphor bronze brush
- 10″ long braided mop for shotguns
- More Info: Real Avid Bore Boss 12 Gauge
Gun Tool Max:
- Universal Choke Tube Wrench
- Pick and Punch
- Secure Locking Driver and Bits
- T10 Torx®
- T20 Torx®
- 3/32″ Flat
- 5/32″ Allen®
- T15 Torx®
- #2 Phillips®
- 3/16″ Flat
- Rugged Combination Pliers
- Carbon Scraper
- MOLLE-compatible Sheath
- Drop Point Blade
- Oversized Flat Head Screwdriver
- More Info: Real Avid Gun Tools Max