HAVA Celebrates 10th Anniversary at SAPD Family Day
San Antonio, TX – November 2017 – (ArmsVault.com) – Honored American Veterans Afield (HAVA) celebrated its 10th Anniversary at their flagship HAVA/SAPD National Family Day event at the 700-acre San Antonio Police Academy on Saturday, October 21st. The event was attended by over 400 disabled veterans, veteran families and volunteers who enjoyed a full day of shooting, youth events, good food, gifts, prizes and camaraderie. Returning to the city where the first HAVA family day event was held in 2008, the day was highlighted with exhibitions by World Champion shooter Max Michel and exhibition shotgun shooter Micah McMillan, 10 teams shooting pistol, rifle and airbow stages.
The day also featured one-on-one shooting instruction from HAVA’s “Learn To ‘Shoot Again” (LTSA) staff of severely injured instructors teaching severely injured veterans to overcome their disabilities as well as special ladies’ instruction with the “A Girl and A Gun” organization. In its 10-year life that began in 2008 with 6 industry company employees hosting a hunt for four disabled vets, HAVA has hosted over 8,200 disabled veterans and their families at hunting and shooting events in 25 states.
“A decade of service to disabled veterans who deserve the support of our industry is the HAVA legacy, and our 20 sustaining sponsors and dozens of other contributing companies can be proud of their support of this worthy cause”, said HAVA Chairman Tom Taylor. “The shooting sports industry has created a compassionate and efficient standard for other veteran’s charities to measure against, and we are proud to be the industry’s advocate for strong veteran service. We are growing at a sustainable rate by measuring our performance to a strict standard, and look forward to our second decade with a strong commitment to those who served and sacrificed when their country called”.
After 10 years, HAVA and the San Antonio Police Department have formed a tremendous partnership to serve these great men and women and their families. SAPD has over 2,300 officers, many of them veterans and they take pride in the department’s contribution to this very worthy cause. Their loyalty and volunteerism is a big part of what makes this event possible.
About HAVA
HAVA is a 501(c)3 organization formed by companies in the shooting and outdoor industry with the purpose of raising awareness and further assisting disabled veterans with their healing process through guided hunts, shooting events and other outdoor sports activities. The sustaining sponsor companies are Smith & Wesson, NSSF, Sig Sauer, Academi, Arnold Defense, ATK/Federal, Crimson Trace, FMG Publications, Glock, Hornady, Leapers/UTG, Leupold & Stevens, Mossberg, NASGW, Proof Research, Ruger, Surefire, Taurus, XS Sights, and Yamaha Outdoors among numerous contributing companies. Those who would like to learn more about the HAVA organization can do so at www.honoredveterans.org.
About SAPD
The San Antonio Police Dept. consists of 2,300 officers dedicated to improving the quality of life for the people of San Antonio by creating a safe environment in partnership with the people that they serve. They act with integrity to reduce fear and crime while treating all with respect, compassion and fairness. Learn more at www.sanantonio.gov/sapd.aspx.