Savage Arms’ “All-Metal Magic” Stealth Inside GUNS December 2016 Issue
( – On the cover of GUNS Magazine’s December 2016 issue, Savage Arm’s 10 BA Stealth surprises with a combination of elements that makes it a new modular firearm hybrid — the chassis rifle. In “All-Metal Magic! The Stealth,” Holt Bondinson writes, the Stealth has the “elements of an AR with the barreled action of a bolt gun.” Holt continues, “The heart and soul of a chassis rifle is a precisely machined aluminum body assembly with a magazine well, a lower and, possibly, an upper handguard.”

Bodinson asks, “Is the Savage Stealth an accurate long-chassis rifle?” After extensive field tests, he says a resounding “yes” — and it can even serve as a sporting rifle in desert country. He concludes, “It’s a classy chassis, right out of the box.”
An annual favorite among readers, the 2016 GUNS Christmas Gift Guide appears in this issue. John Connor reminds readers, “yes, it’s that time again” and provides 11 must-have gift suggestions for friends who share the love for shooting and hunting.
Other highlights in the December issue include John Barsness’ “One For The Road” about what to look for in a travel rifle and John Taffin’s “JD Jones: A Man And His Cartridges” where he shares his friendship with the head of SSK Industries, provider of custom Contender cartridges. In another feature, “The Skinner Bush Pilot Kit,” Mike “Duke” Venturino finds the perfect 38th anniversary present for his wife: a survival kit that includes a Chiappa Model 92 .44 Magnum with Skinner Sights.
The Patriot .375 Ruger Bolt-Action Rifle from O.F. Mossberg is the main prize in this month’s GUNS Giveaway package. With a total value of $1,038.94, the package also includes a Micro Hawk from TOPS Knives, a Drag Bag from U.S. PeaceKeeper and Seven Serpents: The History of Colt’s Snake Guns from Blue Book Publications. Go to to enter for free!
Each issue of GUNS includes links to online-only extras. This month’s online feature, “Mossberg MVP Patrol 556,” explores the merits behind bolt guns for self defense. Readers can purchase a digital version of the GUNS November issue at