SIG SAUER P220 Hunter And The .30-30 Winchester Star In The July 2016 Issue of GUNS
( – Gracing the cover of GUNS Magazine’s July issue, SIG SAUER’s P220 Hunter is dubbed the “Perfect Packin’ 10” by John Taffin
In this GUNS Magazine exclusive, John sets his packin’ parameters for “barrel length: not less than 4 nor more than 5-1/2 inches,” and more in his feature article on SIG’s striking Kryptek Camo finished P220 Hunter 10mm:
“The P220 Hunter weighs about 44 ounces and the extra weight and size compared to other 10mm’s does not make the pistol cumbersome. It can be carried in a proper holster all day. And if you decide to fire a long string, the felt recoil feels less than shooting the same number of .45 ACP +P’s,” he says. “For a hunting pistol for every day outdoors carry, I don’t think I would need to look any further than the SIG P220 Hunter.”

In “Bully For The .30-30,” Roger Smith takes a look at Teddy Roosevelt’s fascination with the .30 WCF and is inspired to share his own experience with this timeless lever-action classic.
“To men accustomed to the capabilities and trajectories of black powder rifles, the .30 WCF was an impressively flat shooter. All these years the .30-30 retains its popularity because the rifles that chamber it are a delight to carry and shoot,” Smith writes. “Lee Precision says that it is the No. 5 best-selling caliber in their Pacesetter reloading die line — pretty impressive numbers when you consider the .30-30’s age and how many rifle calibers there are today. ”
Other highlights in this issue include Massad Ayoob dishing “delectable” details on the tradition of the “Turnbull Barbecue Gun,” saying even though the gun is “more ‘show’ than ‘go,’ it’s a real firearm,” and Shari LeGate shares her common-sense shooting range etiquette/philosophy in “The 3 ‘P’s’ of Training: Pack-In, Practice, Pack-Out,” and why she never leaves home without her tarp.
Big Horn Armory’s Model 89 Lever Action Rifle headlines the July GUNS Giveaway, which also includes the Klax Axe by Klecker Knives, a Fenix PD32 light from Fenix Light, and a GUNS Bullet Pen made by Bullet Bouquets — a value of $4,022.90. Readers can visit to enter. It’s free!
Each issue of GUNS includes links to online-only extras. In this month’s online feature, “Smith & Wesson’s Snubbie On Steroids,” Todd Burgreen proclaims, “The .460 S&W Magnum X-Frame is a ‘packable powerhouse.’” Readers can sign up for a free digital subscription at