Last week Greg Martin, Wilson Combat Shooting Team member, won the Compact Carry Pistol (CCP) Division and High Industry placements at the Arkansas IDPA State Championships. Here is what he had to say about the match:
“The Arkansas State IDPA match had 12 well done stages with lots of challenging hide and hunt targets. About half of the targets were up close and fast, and the rest were tucked behind hard cover, making accuracy extremely important. The transition to the CCP division has been relatively easy since it also uses 8-round magazines. I had previously shot in the Custom Defensive Pistol (CDP) division for what seems like forever and that division uses 8-round magazines too. It means my reloads are all in the same place which helped me with my transition to CCP. Wilson Combat has done a great job supporting our shooting team and my Wilson Compact Carry has served me well.”
“If you want to do well, you have to practice for matches like this one– with hidden targets– so I end every practice session shooting at 35 yards with both my weak and strong hand. If you can master that, targets like these become relatively easy.”
“My next match is this weekend at the Oklahoma Badlands. I’ll prepare for it the same way I always do, with lots of practice during the week and a simple breakfast and coffee before the match. I don’t believe in doing a lot of dry fire and rituals beforehand. I like to keep it simple and it seems to be working for me.”
For more information about the Wilson Combat shooting team, contact Guy Joubert at [email protected]