CrossBreed® Holsters Introduces Limited Edition Virtus Series with Jason Winnie Leathergoods
(ArmsVault.com) – CrossBreed® Holsters and Jason Winnie Leathergoods has announced a limited edition handcrafted holster specifically designed for your 1911. The Sapientia holster is the first of the Virtus series brought to consumers by the two companies. It is an exclusive edition, with only 100 holsters being crafted.
This is not the first time these two companies have worked together to offer exclusive, handcrafted holsters. CrossBreed® Holsters and Jason Winnie Leathergoods will be offering other limited editions of these exclusive Virtus series holsters in the future.
The Sapientia is a pancake-style holster, meticulously crafted by Jason Winnie Leathergoods. It is crafted from genuine steer hide and is inlayed with elephant hide handpicked for this specialty holster. Each holster is embossed with a custom logo highlighting both companies, the bible verse James 3:17 and individual numbers.
The name Sapientia and the selection of elephant hide were derived from the bible verse James 3:17: “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”
Future editions of the Virtus series will also highlight a special name, leather and bible verse directly related to the name of the holster.
Find out more about the Sapientia holster
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Find out more about Jason Winnie Leathergoods
About CrossBreed® Holsters
CrossBreed® Holsters was founded in 2005 by Mark Craighead, an avid shooter, re-loader and concealed carry permit holder introduced to firearms at a young age by his father. Craighead created a design of his own, incorporating the best features of other holsters and discarding the non-functional elements. In doing so, he handcrafted a new breed of holsters. Since then, CrossBreed® Holsters has gained national recognition as a leading manufacturer of some of the best and most functional concealment holsters available on the market today.
For more information, go to CrossBreedHolsters.com.