October 7, 2015: HIPERFIRE Announces the Immediate Availability of the HIPERTOUCH® ECLipse (ECL) AR Fire-Control Group (FCG). This FCG’s performance eclipses that of every other HIPERFIRE trigger product including the 24Competition. It was developed as part of a 3-gun match series promotion. That promotion just ended with the HIPERFIRE Rifle Challenge and the trigger can now sport a new, more evocative name. HIPERFIRE didn’t think it could improve on the 24Competition product offering, but it did. Your trigger finger will feel the difference from the 24C as a definite step up. It sports a Black adjustable HIPERSHOE and a Nickel based enhanced plating exclusive to the ECL making the pull even smoother and more responsive at an MSRP of $275. Please note that this and HIPERFIRE’s other trigger offerings aren’t just for 3-gun, but to anyone who demands the best. For more information, visit hiperfire.com. HIPERFIRE has wholesale and OEM purchase programs.

HIGH PERFORMANCE FIREARMS LLC (d.b.a. HIPERFIRE®) is a Minnesota limited liability company organized in 2011 to design, manufacture, and sell novel products into the MSR marketplace that satisfy the unmet needs of the more demanding recreational and professional shooter.