October 26, 2015 – (ArmsVault.com): HIPERFIRE (www.hiperfire.com) Announces availability of its new EDT3 (Enhanced Duty Trigger3) AR fire-control group for the AR15/10 rifle. It completes HIPERFIRE’s enhanced duty trigger line up. Like the other EDTs, it was designed for law enforcement and the designated marksman rifle, OEM rifle builders, NRA service rifle competitors, and home defenders as a lower cost high-performance trigger upgrade. It features the novel “duplex” trigger bow with two finger pad rests, one high and one low. In the high position, the trigger pull weights are five and six pounds; in the low position, the weights are four and five pounds. The range limits depend on which hammer spring was installed, the red or green, which are included with the product. Thanks to the EDT family‘s novel mechanical advantaged design, these springs are heavier and more powerful than the alternative MIL-grade hammer spring and yet the pulls are lighter and more controllable than stock. Like the EDT2’s more massive hammer head, more collision power is carried into the firing pin to reliably ignite 308/762 NATO cartridges while still exhibiting faster lock time than stock alternatives. It’s a HIPERTOUCH alright featuring only a hint of creep, a smooth flat stroke with an equally smooth and very positive reset that users of HIPERTOUCH® FCGs have come to appreciate. The MSRP is $99. HIPERFIRE has wholesale and OEM purchase programs.

HIGH PERFORMANCE FIREARMS LLC d.b.a. HIPERFIRE is a Minnesota limited liability company organized in 2011 to design, manufacture, and sell novel products into the MSR marketplace that satisfy the unmet needs of the more demanding recreational and professional shooter.