Revolver Supply LLC Announcing the Launch of the ULTIMATE Moon Clip Tool
Mimbres, New Mexico (09/15/2015) – (ArmsVault.com) – Revolver Supply is proud to announce the Ultimate Moon Clip Tool: a Patented design that puts your hand in a natural position for the easy loading of moon clips. This is the next step to loading moon clips, perhaps the ultimate step.
After years of shooting revolvers, loading moon clips and trying different types of moon clip loading tools, the designers at Revolver Supply knew there had to be a better way; they think they have found it. No more awkward hand positions or hand motions, no more twisting about for the sake of the tool and no more right hand, left hand issues. This tool takes very gentle care of the moon clips while loading; it will NOT bend your moon clips. This tool has leverage built in for ease of operation; uses common arbor designs (existing RS arbors) and can adjust from S&W J Frame to S&W N Frame sized moon clips. Use this tool in either hand with just a simple squeezing motion to insert the rounds into your moon clips. The Ultimate Moon Clip Tool is the first tool in a family of tools that will make loading moon clips fun.
Revolver Supply: The Revolver Supply Company is the perfect place for revolver enthusiasts. They sell, premium moon clips, moon clip loaders, moon clip unloaders, moon clip checkers, revolver sights, bullets, and storage products such as plastic containers and dumb bags. The design and manufacture their products in house. Their premium moon clips are 100% dimensionally tested to make sure their customers only get top quality moon clips, which work properly right from the start. They have a great team who truly cares and are known to go out of their way to make their customers happy.
You can find out more about them at their website: www.revolversupply.com