New 7mm 195 gr EOL Elite Hunter Now Available!
( – Berger Bullets is excited to announce the release of their new 7mm 195 gr EOL Elite Hunter. This bullet was inspired by Bob Beck, host of Extreme Outer Limits (EOL), and designed by Bryan Litz. Bob and EOL are building rifles that are capable of shooting extremely aggressive bullets, so Bryan and Berger Bullets have risen to the challenge of producing such a bullet. The 195gr EOL bullet has the highest ballistic performance of any 7mm bullet currently in existence, and is truly the first of its kind for a number of reasons.
One unique aspect of this bullet is that it breaks with the common trend-line for heavy bullets in a given caliber. Typically, 180 grains is the heaviest weight available in 7mm. This bullet adds 15 grains to that.

The 195 gr EOL Elite Hunter is made with a hybrid ogive, which ensures length tolerance and minimal drag by design. It also has a boat tail angle that minimizes base drag and provides favorable stability characteristics at transonic speed.
Beck has already seen successful results on live game. “We have made 3 kills with the bullets, and they perform extremely well. The animals were llamas, which are normally hard to kill. We took three shots from 10 ft, 500 yards and 1046 yards. All of the bullets expanded and killed immediately. One of the shots was a frontal which flipped the animal over completely!”
Click here for more information on this bullet:
These bullets can be ordered through a Berger Bullets dealer or from Extreme Outer Limits.