Like many of you, we are always on the lookout for quality 5.56 ammo that won’t break the bank. Recently we have seen a lot of info about ZQI Ammunition, which is made in Turkey by MKE. So far, the reviews I have seen are positive, and this ammo comes in at a very nice price point.
We recently received a few boxes of ZQI 5.56x45mm (SS109) 62gr FMJ ammunition. According to the back of the box, “this high quality ammunition is made to NATO specifications and lot tested to assure less than one minute of angle at 100 meters.” So, I’m very excited to get this ammo to the range!
We will soon be reporting back about our range experience with ZQI 5.56 ammo. Until then, check out the following video from Tim at the Military Arms Channel. He recently traveled to Turkey for a tour of the MKE factory. This video gives a fantastic overview of what goes in to making ZQI Ammunition.
In addition to 5.56, ZQI Ammunition is also available in 7.62 and 9mm. For more information, visit their site at ZQIAmmunition.com.
On a sidenote, thanks to Kavod Custom for the Hexmag shown in the top image. While at their range day last month, I mentioned that I still haven’t used a Hexmag, so they hooked me up with a couple. I’ll report back later on that as well.