Today’s shooting range time was focused on putting a few rounds through our new Ruger 10/22, as well as continued testing of the Samson Magnifier.
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, despite the rifle’s popularity, it has been years since I’ve handled a Ruger 10/22. In fact, my last experience with a 10/22 was around the same time that I religiously watched Knight Rider and the A-Team. So, we’re talking more than just a few years.

I kicked things off with the 10/22. It only took a few shots before I caught myself wondering why I’ve neglected the 22LR round for so long. The limited rounds that I put through it were an absolute pleasure.
Speaking of ‘limited rounds’… There are a couple reasons why I only put 50 rounds through the 10/22 today. First, the only targets I had available were paper targets. Without any magnified optics or reactive targets, I really couldn’t tell how accurate I was. So, I decided to not waste any more ammo. That brings me to the second reason for limiting my rounds today. My 22LR ammo supply is currently a bit limited, so I thought it best to show some restraint.
Out of the 50 rounds fired, I did see one failure to eject. Other than that, the 10/22 worked great.

Next up was the Vidalia Police Supply VPS-15, equipped with the Samson 3.5x Magnifier and Aimpoint PRO. Here’s the thing… We’ve had the Samson Magnifier for a few months. But, given that my wife has commandeered it for her rifle, I haven’t had nearly as much time with it as I would like. But today there was no wife in sight, so this gave me a chance to use if for a couple hundred rounds.
As it turns out, my wife’s good taste goes beyond her choice of husband. She also made a good call on this magnifier. Although it does add some weight (approx 8oz), the magnifier really helped me when shooting beyond 50 yards. And the Samson RAM Quick Flip Mount makes it super-easy to engage/disengage the Magnifer. Stay tuned for more on the Samson Magnifier.

P3 Ultimate Target Stand Update
For the last several months we have become big fans of the P3 Ultimate Target Stand from CTK Precision. It is incredibly sturdy and very easy to transport. But for some reason, I always felt like I needed to use a cardboard backer behind the paper target. Why did I think that? Well, I really have no idea.
A couple days ago I was talking with Curt from CTK Precision about the target stand and I happened to mention the cardboard backer that I use. When he asked why I feel it is necessary to use a backer, I really couldn’t come up with a good answer. He assured me that the backer was totally unnecessary. In fact, he said that in all of their testing of the target stand, they never once used a backer.
Well, Curt… You are correct! Today I broke away from the cardboard backer. I am happy to report that it made absolutely no difference in the performance of the target stand. I’m damn happy to no longer have to tote around that extra piece of cardboard!
- All the ammo used today was from Lucky Gunner. Be sure to stop by and check out their great ammo selection!