NSSF and HAVA Announce Industry Golf Outing
January 18th Pre-SHOT Show Event to Support Disabled Veterans
Las Vegas – November 17, 2014 – Honored American Veterans Afield (HAVA) and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) jointly announce the creation of a new pre-SHOT Show golf outing for industry insiders to be held on Sunday January 18th at the Bear’s Best Country Club on Flamingo Road in Las Vegas. Intended to be a fun industry event before the serious business of SHOT Show begins; the new event, called the HAVA Invitational Golf Classic, is intended for players from the shooting and outdoor industry. It will be a strong statement of industry support for America’s Disabled Veteran heroes as we enter the new year.
“We are encouraging company teams to enter a friendly competition before we all get serious on the SHOT Show floor,” said HAVA Chairman Tom Taylor. “Our industry has shown its stripes for years in supporting HAVA’s goals, and this will be a chance to fulfill that mission and give a good-natured “whuppin” to your friends and competitors on the golf course at the same time. We believe that the service of Veterans is one of the primary things that binds our industry together, and HAVA is proud to be taking point for the industry’s statement of veteran support – plus create some friendly bonding for our inner circle. We scheduled the event so that we can all have some fun, but still get back to the Sands in time for afternoon business and booth set-up.”
“HAVA is our industry’s best statement of veteran support and we at NSSF are proud to help with this critical effort to repay part of our nation’s debt to the heroes whom they serve,” said Chris Dolnack, NSSF Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. “Nineteen of our member companies are HAVA Sustaining Sponsors, and dozens more offer substantial support. Hosting an industry golf outing to raise money for this most worthy cause and to bind our industry closer makes a lot of sense and we encourage all of our members to support the event.”
The HAVA Invitational Golf Classic will be an A-B-C-D scramble format with golf, meals and transportation provided. The entry fee is $200.00 per player (or $600.00 for a company foursome) which includes:
- One Round of Golf at Bear’s Best-Las Vegas
- Backpack full of Valuable Welcome Golf and Outdoor Gifts
- Golf Cart
- Breakfast & Lunch
- Roundtrip Ground Transportation from the Sands Expo Center to Bear’s Best
- Opportunity to Win Valuable, High End Raffle Items
- Chance for Prizes for Winning Teams and Contests such as Long Drive and Closest to the Pin
There will also be a $20.00 raffle of industry donated prizes. Transportation will depart the Sands Convention Center at 7:00 AM and return before 3:00 PM.
Entry in the event is via the SHOT Show website or: www.shotshow.org/golf
About HAVA
HAVA is a 501(c)3 organization formed by companies in the shooting and outdoor industry with the purpose of raising awareness and further assisting disabled veterans with their healing process through guided hunts, shooting events and other outdoor sports activities. The sustaining sponsor companies are Smith & Wesson, Mossberg, NSSF, Academi, ATK/Federal, Barrett, Crimson Trace, Diamondback, FMG Publications, Glock, Hornady, Leupold & Stevens, Proof Research, Ruger, Surefire, Sig Sauer,Taurus, XS Sights, and Yamaha Outdoors among numerous contributing companies. Those who would like to learn more about the HAVA mission can do so at www.honoredveterans.org.
About NSSF
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 10,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsman’s organizations and publications. For more information, visit www.nssf.org.