HOUSTON, Texas – For the sixth time Team Comp-Tac’s Randi Rogers won the Ladies title at the International Defensive Pistol Association’s 2014 National Championship, held this past weekend in Tulsa, Okla.
Finishing third out of 28 Stock Service Pistol (SSP) Masters, and 11th overall in a field of 358 top competitors, Rogers posted a record finish taking the Ladies title with a final time of 272.79 seconds.
“Winning the Ladies title and placing 11th overall was a great way to kick off the busy fall shooting season. This year’s IDPA National Championship was very challenging but made better by the excellent staff and safety officers who volunteer countless hours to shooting competitions like these,” said Rogers, Team Comp-Tac member and Sales and Marketing Manager for Comp-Tac.
Competing in the Enhanced Service Pistol (ESP) division, fellow Team Comp-Tac member Gordon Carrell finished fourth Master and placed 8th overall.
In addition to being represented at the IDPA National Championships by its shooting team, Comp-Tac Victory Gear also supported the match as a gold level sponsor. As one of the most popular holster brands used by today’s competitive shooters and concealed carry holders, Comp-Tac strives to support all the firearms carry needs of its customer. This is the seventh year that Comp-Tac has been a major sponsor at the IDPA Nationals.
“IDPA matches have always, and will continue to be, one of the first and foremost testing grounds for all Comp-Tac products. The feedback we receive from our fellow competitors and the general public both on the range and in the vendor area allows us to develop and refine the highest quality products,” explained Team Comp-Tac member and General Manager Gordon Carrell. “Shooting the match is an excellent bonus and gives me a place to personally test all our products as well.”
Next up for Team Comp-Tac, Rogers and Carrell will compete in the USPSA Handgun National Championships, September 22-24, in St. George, Utah
For more information on Team Comp-Tac, and the full line of Comp-Tac Victory Gear holsters and accessories, visit www.Comp-Tac.com, like Comp-Tac on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CompTac, or follow @CompTac on Twitter.