Larry and Brenda Potterfield Honored at Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation Nationals
Columbia, MO – Approximately 2,500 athletes gathered in Sparta, Illinois to compete in the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) and Scholastic Pistol Program’s (SPP) national championships. Also in attendance were Larry and Brenda Potterfield, owners of MidwayUSA. The Potterfields were honored by SSSF as the ‘Founding Life Diamond Members’ of the Champion’s Roundtable, which recognizes donors who have made major contributions to the SSSF mission.
Dan Hathaway [Director of Foundation Development] names Larry and Brenda Potterfield as Founding Life Diamond Members of the Champion’s Roundtable and presents them with custom Shamrock Leathers shell bags.Accepting the honor during a coaches’ meeting, Larry spoke about what it meant to be able to contribute to the shooting sports industry. “Brenda and I are lucky enough to give away half of our income every year, but without all of you [coaches] out there teaching those kids safety, spending hours at practice, and using your personal vacation time to travel to competitions, it would just be a stack of money, so thank you for all you do.”
Larry Potterfield, Ben Berka [SSSF Executive Director], Brenda Potterfield watch SPP competitionsLarry and Brenda also visited the pistol range, trap fields, lunched with coaches and shot a round of trap with some SCTP athletes. “These kids will remember this opportunity for years to come. They [Larry and Brenda] are giving a lot more than financial assistance, they’re giving these athletes opportunities that will benefit them in all aspects of life,” said Ben Berka; Executive Director of SSSF, about the Potterfield’s generosity. The SCTP and SPP national championship has continued to grow, substantially, every year.
Larry and Brenda Potterfield shoot a round of trap with SCTP competitors
SSSF is responsible for all aspects of the SCTP and the SPP across the United States. Both of these programs are youth development programs in which adults, coaches, and volunteers use shooting sports to teach and demonstrate sportsmanship, responsibility, honesty, ethics, integrity, teamwork and other positive life skills.
Larry shoots trap with Zachary Well of the Ft. Lee Dusters; Blackstone, VA
The MidwayUSA Foundation is a public charity established by Larry and Brenda Potterfield to help offer permanent funding for youth shooting teams through its Team Endowment Account Program. For more information about the MidwayUSA Foundation, please visit or call 1-877-375-4570. For more information on SSSF, visit