I’m all about any product that will make gun cleaning easier! Yesterday my sample of Breakthrough Weapon Cleaning Solvent arrived, so I’m looking forward to giving it a try. After all, the company certainly makes some big claims:
It’s safe. It’s environmentally friendly, but above all, it outperforms all other solvents out on the market on every level possible.
- Breakthrough® has no odor compared to the volatile chemical odor in Traditional Weapon cleaning solvents.
- Breakthrough® has been granted a toxicity clearance by the Army’s Center for Health Promotion and Preventative Medicine.
- Breakthrough® has been extensively tested by the US Department of Defense.
- Breakthrough® has been selected by the US Department of Defense as an authorized product for cleaning of small arms.
- Breakthrough® has no listed components or characteristics of hazardous waste per the EPA; and worker exposure is not regulated by the OSHA Z-list- Traditional Weapon cleaning solvents traditionally contain Kerosene, Ethyl Alcohol and Amyl Acetate that have been assigned occupational exposure limits by OSHA.
- The flash point of Traditional Weapon cleaning solvents is typically around 55 deg. F, making it a hazardous material before use. Breakthrough® has a flash point of 150 deg F.
- Traditional Weapon cleaning solvents will evaporate faster than Breakthrough® requiring more product to be used to complete the same task
I haven’t actually used my Breakthrough sample yet, but I can confirm the no odor claim, which I certainly appreciate! Stay tuned for cleaning results!…
In the meantime, be sure to visit the Breakthrough site to see what this new gun cleaner is all about!
Breakthrough Solvents are available at Mounting Solutions Plus!