I’m always excited when a package from Brownells arrives, even when it is a box of gun cleaning chemicals. Now I’ll admit, I’m not one who enjoys spending hours cleaning guns. But, that being said, I do realize the importance of properly maintaining firearms.
Of course, cleaning your firearm is an important step to keeping it in working condition. But I also firmly believe that the cleaning process helps you learn more about how your firearm operates, which is a good thing.
There are plenty of gun cleaning chemicals and supplies to choose from. But, not all chemicals and supplies are equal. This Brownells shipment included some of my favorites, Montana X-Treme Copper Killer, Break Free CLP, and TM Bore Cleaner.
Montana X-Treme Copper Killer:
Designed for problem barrels or high volume shooters where copper buildup is a problem. Copper Killer 50 B.M.G. is our best solvent for removing stubborn copper deposits. Copper Killer 50 B.M.G. is the industrial strength copper remover that quickly tackles the toughest jobs. Completely barrel safe and contains no acids, amines or chlorides.
Break Free CLP:
Break-Free’s flagship product, CLP is a unique formulation of synthetic oils and individual proprietary ingredients which synergize in combination to do three important tasks simultaneously: Effectively Clean, Lubricate and Protect metal. Break-Free CLP is now recognized around the world as the standard by which maximum metal performance and protection is ensured.
TM Bore Cleaner:
Are you tired of Carbon, Copper, Lead & annoying “ammonia” smells? Then TM Bore Cleaning Solvent is your answer. It is ammonia free; starts dissolving carbon & copper on contact AND it’s water soluble.
Also shown in the above photo:
- Kavod KVD-15 Rifle
- Odin Works Sport Forend
- Magpul Angled Fore Grip (AFG2)
- CTK Precision P3 Ultimate Gun Vise